Founded on 1 February 1700, Vergelegen (meaning “situated far away”), has been under the ownership of some of the world’s great explorers and visionaries, each of whom, in their own way, have helped shape Vergelegen to what it is today: a world-class Estate. With Vergelegen’s award-winning wines, history spanning over 300 years, heritage, exquisite gardens and cuisine to suit all tastes, it comes as no surprise that Vergelegen Estate continues to be the choice of the discerning visitor seeking a total sensory experience. Think of Vergelegen to spend quality time with family and friends – wine tasting, heritage, environmental and cellar tours, two restaurants and the seasonal luxury Picnic in the camphor forest, are only a few of a myriad of enjoyable activities at Vergelegen. Vergelegen’s heritage core consists of the Homestead, Library, Mill Ruins, Slave Lodge site and surrounding gardens. The residential Homestead, dating back to the 1700s, with each room authentically furnished, reflects the layered historicism of the over 300 years of Vergelegen’s existence. The Homestead also houses an Exhibition Corridor, comprising a series of pictorial panels detailing the various eras of history, as well as significant visitors to the Estate.
Set between the world-renowned wine regions of Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, Delaire Graff Estate is located approximately 50 minutes from Cape Town International Airport and ideally situated for discovering the Cape Winelands. A private transfer service is available to Delaire Graff Estate for Lodge and Villa guests. Delaire Graff Estate – where you can experience the ultimate in luxury, combined with our own unique blend of South African hospitality. Nestled between majestic mountains and overlooking the vineyards of Stellenbosch, I visited the Estate for the first time back in 2003 and felt a strong connection in an instant – it was love at first sight. The incredible views provide the perfect backdrop to our outstanding restaurants, state-of-the-art winery, exclusive Lodges, exuberant landscaping, destination Spa and luxury boutiques. Our talented team harness a united vision and passion, and their continuing dedication brings the true beauty of this piece of paradise to our guests each and every day. I hope you enjoy your experience.
The Antinori family has been committed to the art of winemaking for over six centuries since 1385 when Giovanni di Piero Antinori became a member, of the “Arte Fiorentina dei Vinattieri”, the Florentine Winemakers’ Guild. For over six hundred years, the Antinori family has linked their name to excellence in the art of winemaking and as a passionate patron of the fine arts. Two different areas of expertise that have progressed together: Marchesi Antinori have often entrusted the important task of documenting their family’s values and history to the fine arts. Marchesi Antinori’s passion for viticulture is expressed through perseverance: their continuous pursuit for quality improvement, even in the smallest details. Research and development is an ongoing process both in the vineyards and in the cellars: selecting new clones of local and international varieties: experimenting with new techniques in the vineyards and vineyard altitudes, new approaches to fermentation and temperature control, experimenting with both traditional and innovative winemaking philosophies, using new types of oak for barrels, barrel size and age, and varying length of aging in the bottle before commercial release. "We have a mission that has not yet been entirely carried out, something that drives us to express the vast potential of our vineyards and to reconcile new discoveries yet to be disclosed with the patrimony of Tuscan style. A patrimony which includes tradition, culture, agriculture, art, and literature, all of which represents the identity of the Marchesi Antinori company. One of our main strengths is the fact that we are Tuscan or, if you prefer, our fundamentally Tuscan character", says Piero Antinori driving the wine estates all around the world today with his two daughters Albiera and Allegra. Piero is a visionary and created new famous wines such as Tignanello with his knowledge and intuition driven by experience.
Die GLS Bank ist in Deutschland die Refernz für sozial und ökologisches Banking. Wer bei der GLS Bank Kunde ist, kann sich sicher sein, dass sein Geld dazu beiträgt die Zukunft zu gestalten, die wir uns alle wüsnchen. Investitionen gehen in eigens sehr strickt aufgelegte Fonds welche das 1.5°C Ziel bereits erfüllen. Keine Kinderarbeit, keine Waffen, kein Genforschung oder andere negativ Themen - sondern erneuerbare Energien, Soziales und Kultur, ökologische Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, nachhaltige Wirtschaft und weitere positiv beitragende Vorhaben werden ausschließlich unterstützt. Als Kunde bei der Bank trägt man dazu bei, dass ausschließlich diese positiven Projekte gefördert werden. Der strickte Zuspruch zu sozial und ökologischen Projekten wird bei allen Produkten, die ein Kunde von seiner Bank kennt (Baugredite, Firmenkredite, Altersovrsorge, Anlagen, Investitionen etc) unabweichlich eingehalten. Privatpersonen, Firmen und Vereine werden darüber hinaus aktiv unterstützt ihrn eigenen Impact zu verbessern. Die GLS Bank ist eine Universal-Bank, bei welcher man nahezu alle Finanzdienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen kann - jedoch immer unter einer strickten sozial, ökologischen und nachhaltigen Perspektive. Die Bank ist überwiegend in Deutschland tätig. Es können alle Dienste online wahrgenommen werden und es gibt mehrere Filialen für den persönlichen Besuch. Desweiteren besticht die Bank durch Ihre Rechtsform, die Genossenschaft. Die mitgleiderbestimmte Gesellschaftsform ist darauf gegründet in Gemeinschaft einen gesellschaftlich positiven Beitrag zu leisten. Mit der GLS Bank gibt es keinen Bedarf mehr als Privatperson sowie Firma bei einer konventionellen Bank zu sein und indirekt Umweltvernichtende Projekte zu unterstützen. Die GLS Bank bietet den vollumassenden Banken-Service mit reinem und ehrlichem guten Gewissen. Klimaschutz kann so einfach sein: Werde jetzt Mitglied bei der GLS Bank. The GLS Bank is the reference for social and ecological banking in Germany. Anyone who is a customer of GLS Bank can be sure that their money will help shape the future that we all want. Investments are made in specially designed funds that already meet the 1.5 ° C target. No child labor, no weapons, no genetic research or other negative topics - only renewable energies, social affairs and culture, ecological agriculture, nutrition, sustainable economy and other positively contributing projects are exclusively supported. As a customer at the bank, you help ensure that only these positive projects are funded. The strict encouragement to social and ecological projects is inevitably complied with for all products that a customer knows from their bank (building loans, corporate loans, old-age provision, systems, investments, etc.). Private individuals, companies and associations are also actively supported to improve their own impact. The GLS Bank is a universal bank, where you can take advantage of almost all financial services - but always under a strict social, ecological and sustainable perspective. The bank operates predominantly in Germany. All services can be used online and there are several branches for personal visits. Furthermore, the bank impresses with its legal form, the cooperative. The member-determined form of society is based on making a socially positive contribution in community. With the GLS Bank, there is no longer any need to be a private person or company with a conventional bank and indirectly support environmentally damaging projects. GLS Bank offers the full banking service with a clear and honest good conscience. Climate protection can be so easy: become a member of GLS Bank now.
Cindy Vine Travels and Portugal, Cindy Vine is an author, mother of three kids, with lots of life experiences she uses as an inspiration source to write her books about. She is a teacher and uses her teaching qualifications to travel around the world teaching. Cindy Vine's novels are known for their sharp insight on interpersonal relationships. Cindy loves to travel and enjoy taking photos and videos to document her trip. That's so that when her memory starts to fade, she can remember what she's done and where she's been. So if you are a fellow traveller or an armchair traveller, you will be interested in following her adventures. Cindy decided to moove to Portugal and just purchased a 2.5hec. farm in Central Portugal. Interesting to understand why she chose moving to Portugal and what future she's expecting to live, this was the dream of her life. She bought an old farm abandoned with a big garden also abandoned. We talked about why she chose moving to Portugal and what future. The farm is called Bela Pedra that means Pretty Stone. She started restoring it and taking care of the garden, planting trees and farming, all on her ow, learning day by day with passion and care and documenting her journey on her YouTube channel and blogs. She is admirable for the positive strength she has, she is an example of how anyone can reach their dreams.
L’azienda agricola Cantina LeViti è una piccola realtà imprenditoriale nel cuore delle Langhe piemontesi, territorio celebre per la ricchezza e la qualità dei suoi vini. Una produzione caratterizzata da scelte originali, in armonia con le tradizioni e con la natura, per proporre vini intensi e unici. Silvio Levi è il titolare dell’azienda, viticoltore premuroso e cellar manager di talento, capace di esprimere energia e complessità in tutte le sue etichette. “Credo nell’equilibrio fra tradizione e innovazione. Sono convinto che per ottenere un vino di qualità, nel pieno rispetto della natura e della salute, si debba lavorare soprattutto in vigna, intervenendo il minimo indispensabile in cantina. Questo, a mio avviso, permette di rendere riconoscibili le peculiarità originarie e uniche delle diverse vigne, che quindi si riflettono nelle caratteristiche dei vini. Assieme alla mia compagna Lucia ci siamo trasferiti nelle Langhe quando ho aperto a Dogliani l’azienda agricola LeViti (gioco di parole che si scrive tutto attaccato a indicare identità fra me e la terra). L’azienda che oggi conduco è nata all’inizio degli anni 80 dal figlio di un mezzadro di mio nonno. Come spesso succede, però, i figli degli agricoltori scelgono la vita più confortevole e sicura del lavoro d’ufficio, mentre io, figlio di professori e cittadino, chiuso in un ufficio mi sentivo prigioniero di quelle quattro mura. Il vecchio contadino stava per chiudere e gli splendidi vini che produceva si sarebbero persi per sempre, a meno che… L’azienda è individuale nel vero senso della parola: in vigna come in cantina ci sono sempre io. Lucia e la mia famiglia (mio fratello Dario, mia madre e mio padre) sono l’unico aiuto su cui posso contare, soprattutto nei momenti più complicati della vinificazione e della vendita. In passato ho avuto il piacere di insegnare il mestiere ad alcuni rifugiati politici e a un amico ligure che oggi conduce, con buonissimi risultati, una piccola vigna sulle colline dell’entroterra di Sanremo”.
Ruggero e Orsetta sono sposati da oltre trent’anni e la passione per il vino, così come l’amore per le colline monferrine, li ha sempre accomunati. Nel 2012, dopo una lunga ricerca, scoprono la collina di Sant’Anna, le sue vigne e la cascina sul bricco: nasce così Sant’Anna dei Bricchetti e il sogno diventa realtà. Il primo passo è stato il recupero del corpo vitato intorno alla Cascina del Culunel, composto da cinque ettari di cui uno reimpiantato nel 2013. Fin dalla prima vendemmia la scelta è stata quella di lavorare nel rispetto dell’identità vinicola del territorio: Barbera e Moscato sono alla base dei sette vini proposti oggi da Sant’Anna dei Bricchetti e prodotti unicamente con uve di proprietà vendemmiate a mano. Ad affiancare Ruggero e Orsetta in questa avventura i figli Giulia e Giacomo, l’agronomo Piero Roseo e gli enologi Giuliano Noè e Claudio Dacasto, grandi conoscitori di quell’identità monferrina che è anima e cuore della filosofia aziendale.
L’Azienda Agricola PininAgri di Luca Pininfarina, nasce nel 2016 ponendosi l’obiettivo adoperare pratiche lungimiranti, volte ad ottenere prodotti ortofrutticoli con qualità superiori nel massimo rispetto verso l’ambiente e gli ecosistemi della collina di Moncalieri. In azienda si applica la lotta biologica conservativa, evitando nel modo più assoluto l'impiego di prodotti ampio spettro con l’obbiettivo di mantenere viva l'entomofauna utile. Inoltre si praticano inoculi di consorzi microbici nel terreno al fine di esprimere al massimo le potenzialità intrinseche delle colture in termini di resistenza, resa, gusto e qualità nutraceutiche. The Azienda Agricola PininAgri di Luca Pininfarina was founded in 2016 with the aim of adopting forward-looking practices, aimed at obtaining fruit and vegetables with superior quality with the utmost respect for the environment and ecosystems of the Moncalieri hill. Conservative biological control is applied on the farm, absolutely avoiding the use of broad spectrum products with the aim of keeping the useful entomofauna alive. Furthermore, microbial consortia are inoculated in the soil in order to express the intrinsic potential of the crops in terms of resistance, yield, taste and nutraceutical qualities.
Anyone can be a Heritage Ambassador. Help take our past into the future. Spread the word and generate revenue. Make heritage your business and earn with your passion for art and culture. ArtAcadia.org is an umbrella organization for everything pertaining to our heritage and respective cultures. Providing a platform for Heritage Ambassadors, to help take our past into the future. We are a passionate community that is compiling a comprehensive global directory and cultural map. Facilitating networking, training, work opportunities, events and marketplace.