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The company and the Principe Corsini brand are synonymous with quality and excellence. In the production of wine and oil, within the property of Villa Le Corti in the Chianti Classico and Tenuta Marsiliana in Maremma, there is a perfect balance between agriculture and conservation. But Principe Corsini is also synonymous with hospitality, good food and unforgettable experiences. The wines and oil from the Principe Corsini estates are produced with total respect for nature and seasonality. Thanks to the uniqueness of the vines, each wine is a true expression of the territory of origin. As well as oil, still worked in the traditional way in the old mill owned by the Corsini family. The Corsini family boasts nine centuries of history, is one of the few Florentine families with illustrious ancestors including a Pope, Clement XII, and a saint, Andrea Corsini bishop of Fiesole. Corsini family members held positions of primary role in the commercial, financial, political, ecclesiastical and agricultural fields. L'azienda e il marchio Principe Corsini sono sinonimo di qualità ed eccellenza. Nella produzione del vino e dell'olio, all'interno della proprietà di Villa Le Corti nel Chianti Classico e della Tenuta Marsiliana in Maremma, c'è un perfetto equilibrio tra agricoltura e conservazione. Ma Principe Corsini è anche sinonimo di ospitalità, buona cucina ed esperienze indimenticabili. I vini e l'olio delle tenute Principe Corsini sono prodotti nel totale rispetto della natura e della stagionalità. Grazie all'unicità dei vitigni, ogni vino è una vera espressione del territorio di origine. Oltre all'olio, ancora lavorato in modo artigianale nell'antico frantoio di proprietà della famiglia Corsini. La famiglia Corsini vanta nove secoli di storia, è una delle poche famiglie fiorentine con antenati illustri tra cui un Papa, Clemente XII, e un santo, Andrea Corsini vescovo di Fiesole. I membri della famiglia Corsini ricoprono incarichi di primaria importanza in campo commerciale, finanziario, politico, ecclesiastico ed agricolo.

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La Maremmana nasce nel 2013 da un’idea di Guido Pallini. Dopo aver lavorato a Londra, in una banca di investimento giapponese, decide di tornare nella sua terra e rilanciare l’azienda di famiglia che fino ad allora produceva solo latte, espandendola nella produzione di formaggi. Ciò che è iniziato come un desiderio di valorizzare l’azienda agricola di famiglia e il nostro territorio, è cresciuto in un progetto di filiera integrata e sostenibile, fino a diventare La Maremmana, marchio che mira a portare i nostri formaggi di bufala nel mondo. Nei nostri terreni, coltiviamo cereali e foraggi per alimentare i nostri animali; alleviamo bufale in ampi spazi all’aperto; gestiamo la produzione del loro latte in una stalla di ultima generazione; e alleviamo vacche di razza maremmana allo stato brado, preservando questa specie autoctona, per una produzione limitata di carne; Nel nostro caseificio lavoriamo il latte di bufala, esclusivamente aziendale, per ottenere formaggi di alta qualità. Ci occupiamo anche della vendita dei nostri prodotti sia direttamente, nei nostri punti vendita, che tramite distribuzione a negozi e ristoranti. Infine, produciamo energia rinnovabile dagli scarti agricoli e riutilizziamo il residuo del processo come fertilizzante organico. Coltiviamo la terra in modo responsabile, alleviamo i nostri animali con la massima attenzione al loro benessere, trasformiamo con cura il latte delle nostre bufale in una varietà di formaggi, e produciamo energia rinnovabile nel nostro impianto di biogas. La nostra filosofia si basa sul rispetto degli animali e dei cicli della natura. Ci riteniamo responsabili dei nostri standard etici e ambientali e siamo lieti di potervi mostrare quello che facciamo.

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The General Agricultural Competition was first held in 1870 to select and recognise France's best regional products and breeding animals. It is an age-old event with an eminently cutting-edge mission: to showcase the exceptional biodiversity in French breeding and gastronomy. Each year, more than 30.000 professionals and visitors are exploring the show to find out what's happening in the sector, meeting with their peers and assisting to the Concours Général Agricole. Under the watchful eye of its famous mascot cow, the International Agricultural Show runs from late February to early March, and is all about coming together – a reunion edition. The 2022 reunion between the French and their Agriculture promises to be intense, according to Jean-Luc Poulain, farmer and President of Ceneca and of the International Agricultural Show. The show focuses on the stronger-than-ever bond between farmers and consumers. With a real desire expressed by exhibitors and visitors alike to be able to enjoy the social side again, declares Valérie le Roy, Director of the International Agricultural Show. The stage is set for the largest trade fair in the agricultural industry, an essential ritual where new encounters, discussions and the sharing of ideas all play their part. Through their cow mascot (Neige), symbolising agriculture, they work on a triptych at each edition of the Show: region, product, person 4-year-old Neige owes her name to 3 symbols: the snow that covers the mountain pastures from November to May. Snow, the emblem of Savoy and the mountains. And the Abondance breed, which is said to be white only where the snow can touch it: on the muzzle, under the belly and on the legs. And yet Neige was born in summer, at an altitude of 1600 metres, on a ski slope, just under the chairlift in the Grand-Bornand resort, on the Maroly mountain pasture to be precise, where she grazes in the good weather. A most unusual birth! Neige was selected to represent the breed and feature on the poster for the 2022 edition of the Show, because she is the perfect illustration of the Abondance breed: a mahogany-red magpie coat, a head with a thick white quiff. Light-coloured horns and red spectacle-shaped markings around the eyes that reduce the sun's glare and therefore make her perfectly suited to the mountain environment. Although it represents only 1% of the national herd, Abondance is the 4th largest French dairy breed with nearly 60,000 cows. A local breed par excellence, 75% of the herds are located in the two Savoys, with nearly 50% in Haute-Savoie, and 20% in the Massif-Central. Perfectly suited to the mountain regions from which it originates, the Abondance breed is very hardy, is capable of travelling long distances and adapts well to temperature variations. It also contributes to the development of rural areas, particularly in the mountains, and to the reduction of inputs thanks to the manure. Appreciated for its longevity and calving abilities, the breed’s unique qualities have enabled it to settle in the Italian Alps but also beyond Europe: in Egypt, Algeria, the Ivory Coast, and certain mountainous countries. Proof of its adaptability to difficult breeding conditions. A dairy, mountain-dwelling and rustic breed, the Abondance is involved in the production of 14 cheeses with IGP or PDO appellations such as Abondance, Beaufort, Reblochon and Tome des Bauges. For 2022, the Show chose a theme that is meaningful and, today more than ever, rooted in our reality - "Agriculture: our daily life, your future". Because the recent crises have revealed a combative agriculture. But also, consumers who are ever more attentive to the quality of their food, who have (re) discovered the essential role of farmers and their daily work. Now, more than ever, the challenge is to build a common future. The theme has a double meaning. First, from the point of view of the farmers, for whom everything that makes up their daily life - their work, their training, their difficulties, their adaptations, and their mission to provide food - serves the future of the French population. A mission that can only be carried out under certain conditions (local, fair price, recognition, etc.). But this also holds true from the point of view of consumers and visitors to the Show who, by purchasing agricultural products, are safeguarding the future of farmers. Consumers want to be in full possession of the facts (traceability, food safety, knowledge of the breeders' and producers' professions etc.). Meet livestock farmers, sample numerous varieties of goat’s cheese with a cheese-maker who has been recognised as one of the finest cheese-making craftsmen in France, attend educational and culinary workshops to learn about the various stages involved in producing cheese and different ways of making goat's cheese... and also play and play to win. The annual General Agricultural Competition serves as a unique launching pad for local products, dairy products and wines, and a showcase for the excellent qualities of French breeding. Candidates participating in the General Agricultural Competition benefit by acquiring more legitimacy within their profession and in the eyes of the general public. It also raises awareness and singles out up-and-coming young professionals who are committed to agriculture. Competitions include prizes for the best wine tasters and best livestock judges for students from agricultural schools.

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Dal 1435 la famiglia Mazzei produce vini unici con spirito e passione che si rinnovano di generazione in generazione. A Fonterutoli nel Chianti Classico come a Belguardo e a Zisola vive la stessa filosofia nella valorizzazione dei vitigni autoctoni. Contemporanei dal 1435. 600 anni di attività vitivinicola, ricerca e valorizzazione del territorio nel Chianti Classico, in Maremma e Sicilia. Visita la spettacolare cantina di Castello di Fonterutoli. Da oltre sei secoli, la nostra famiglia si dedica all’attività vitivinicola con passione e impegno che si rinnovano di generazione in generazione. La continua ricerca di nuovi orizzonti qualitativi ci ha portato a estendere le nostre attività su diverse frontiere enologiche, da quella storica del Castello di Fonterutoli nel Chianti classico, verso due realtà altrettanto promettenti: Belguardo nella Maremma Toscana e Zisola nella Sicilia Sud-Orientale. Attraverso il loro potenziale espressivo vogliamo declinare in contesti diversi il nostro patrimonio di esperienza, sempre nel rispetto delle caratteristiche e delle specificità di questi grandi “terroirs”. La costante attenzione a questi valori si riflette su tutti i nostri vini, per la soddisfazione dei “connaisseurs” di tutto il mondo che riconoscono nel nome Mazzei uno dei punti di riferimento del panorama enologico italiano. Con questo spirito lavoriamo per continuare a meritare la fiducia dei nostri estimatori, nel presente e nel futuro. Since 1435 the Mazzei family has been producing unique wines with spirit and passion that are renewed from generation to generation. In Fonterutoli in the Chianti Classico as in Belguardo and in Zisola, the same philosophy lives in the enhancement of native vines. Contemporary since 1435. 600 years of winemaking, research and enhancement of the territory in the Chianti Classico, Maremma and Sicily. Visit the spectacular Castello di Fonterutoli winery. For over six centuries, our family has been dedicated to the wine business with passion and commitment that are renewed from generation to generation. The continuous search for new qualitative horizons has led us to extend our activities on different oenological frontiers, from the historical one of the Castello di Fonterutoli in the classic Chianti, towards two equally promising realities: Belguardo in the Tuscan Maremma and Zisola in South-Eastern Sicily. Through their expressive potential we want to decline our wealth of experience in different contexts, always respecting the characteristics and specificities of these great “terroirs”. The constant attention to these values ​​is reflected in all our wines, to the satisfaction of the "connaisseurs" from all over the world who recognize in the name Mazzei one of the reference points of the Italian wine scene. With this spirit we work to continue to deserve the trust of our admirers, in the present and in the future.

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My name is Glorymar Hernandez, but I prefer to be called “Glory”. I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas, and grew up amid the crowds of the city, the tranquility of the Andean mountains and the joy of the Caribbean coast. A mixture that has taught me to enjoy wherever I am, that aroused my curiosity to know the world, and that has helped me to adapt, with relative ease, to changes. I have a degree in Philosophy, my research works are in Philosophy of Language. Since 2019 I have been working as a Spanish teacher. I decided to start teaching my mother tongue thanks to my experience learning other languages. I had the opportunity to live for a year in Ireland, where I went to learn English and, currently, I am in Italy, where I have had the opportunity to learn Italian. These experiences allowed me to realize that, although seeking perfection when trying to “speak like a native” is the ideal, what really matters is being able to communicate, make ourselves understood and be open to the experience of knowing other cultures and understand that there are many different points of view. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work in different contexts such as banking, outsourcing consular procedures, and teaching at university level. The biggest lesson I learned from these experiences is that I am not an office person. I prefer to own my time and have the freedom to work wherever I am. For this reason, I have decided to dedicate myself to teaching Spanish online and to enter the digital world. I consider myself a very curious and versatile person, that is why in my free time I enjoy handcrafting (such as sewing or knitting), volunteering, being in contact with nature, and trying to learn new things, like playing the guitar. Regarding my geographical preferences, the beach and the mountains are my main refuges, because I can escape from the noise of the city and connect with myself. That is why I would like to be able to live with my husband on a mountain, not far from the sea.

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Dogliotti began in 1870 in Castiglione Tinella, Piedmont, with brothers Giuseppe and Marcello Dogliotti. Although their winemaking techniques are simple and artisanal, their Moscato has become the apple of the winery’s eye, receiving prestigious qualifications and gold medals at important wine competitions. When Giuseppe’s son Luigi took over the winery’s operations in 1929, he transferred their small winery to Castagnole delle Lanze. In just a short time, their Moscato d’Asti traveled beyond the borders of the region and country, finding appreciation in France and Switzerland. Generation after generation, the winemaking tradition of the Dogliotti family has been passed down from father to son. With time, they have refined their techniques to creating the high quality wines they are known for today, and their selection of wines has grown alongside. The Dogliotti family’s passion for winemaking is found in three cousins, Erik (enologist), Ivan (business), and Matteo Dogliotti (web graphics designer). With their combined enthusiasm, they’ve united their different talents to arrive at one, common objective: to strengthen the family winery and share Dogliotti 1870 wines with the world.

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My name is Luis Guillermo Castro Martin. I am a philosopher specialized in philosophy of mind and language. In particular, I am interested in the nature of consciousness, and the way in which we experience and interpret the world. I started my studies at the Central University of Venezuela in 2006, where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in philosophy (2011) and a master’s degree in logic and philosophy of science (2015). In 2012, the university offered me a position as a professor of philosophy and I taught several courses there until 2017, when I enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Genoa, Italy. I have also published several papers in philosophy journals and participated in various international events. In 2020, while writing my PhD thesis, I realized that I had been immersed in philosophy for too long and decided to use my experience to rejoin the real world. In my years studying philosophy, I have learned many things, but the most important is that the world is what we make of it, there is no ultimate truth, no final word. We create our reality. Knowledge has somehow separated us from others and nature, perhaps it can also reunite us. Although I was born in Venezuela, my family is a blending of different nationalities and traditions. I have lived and studied in different countries, which are all part of who I am and what I want to be. My actions define me, not my nationality or my origins. I do not believe in borders or limits; they are only in our minds. The sensation of not belonging can be liberating, once we realize that, by not belonging somewhere, we belong everywhere. I speak three languages (Spanish, English, and Italian) and I enjoy learning from other cultures, as well as transmitting the values of my own. I also enjoy music, sports and nature. I am the author of “Fragments of Mind” on Substack. A space for thinking outside the box, while discussing philosophical matters.

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La Tenuta San Guido prende il nome da San Guido della Gherardesca vissuto nel XIII secolo. Si trova sulla costa Etrusca tra Livorno e Grosseto, nella Maremma resa celebre dai versi di Giosuè Carducci e si estende per 13 chilometri dal mare fin dietro le colline. Racchiude al suo interno tre eccellenze: il Sassicaia, la Razza Dormello Olgiata nei cavalli purosangue e il Rifugio Faunistico Padule di Bolgheri, primo in Italia. Negli anni venti, studente a Pisa, Mario Incisa della Rocchetta sognava di creare un vino di razza. Il suo ideale, come per l'aristocrazia dell'epoca, era il Bordeaux. Così lo descrive in una lettera a Veronelli del 11/6/1974. ”…l’origine dell’esperimento risale agli anni tra il 1921 e il 1925, quando, studente a Pisa e spesso ospite dei Duchi Salviati a Migliarino, avevo bevuto un vino prodotto da una loro vigna sul monte di Vecchiano che aveva lo stesso inconfondibile “bouquet” di un vecchio Bordeaux da me appena assaggiato più che bevuto, (perché a 14 anni non mi si permetteva di bere vino) prima del 1915, a casa di mio nonno Chigi.” Essendosi stabilito con sua moglie Clarice nella Tenuta San Guido sulla costa Tirrenica, sperimentò alcuni vitigni francesi (le cui barbatelle aveva recuperato dalla tenuta dei Duchi Salviati a Migliarino, e non dalla Francia) e concluse che il Cabernet aveva "il bouquet che ricercavo". Nessuno aveva mai pensato di fare un vino "bordolese" in Maremma, una zona sconosciuta sotto il punto di vista vinicolo. La decisione di piantare questa varietà nella Tenuta San Guido fu in parte dovuta alla somiglianza che egli aveva notato tra questa zona della Toscana e Graves, a Bordeaux. Graves vuole dire ghiaia, per il terreno sassoso che distingue la zona, proprio come Sassicaia, in Toscana, denomina una zona con le stesse caratteristiche. Dal 1948 al 1967, il Sassicaia rimase dominio strettamente privato, e fu bevuto solo nella Tenuta. Ogni anno, poche casse venivano messe a invecchiare nella cantina di Castiglioncello. Il marchese ben presto si rese conto che invecchiando il vino migliorava considerabilmente. Come spesso accade con i vini di grande levatura, quelli che prima erano considerati difetti, col tempo si trasformarono in virtù. Ora amici e parenti incitavano Mario Incisa ad approfondire i suoi esperimenti e perfezionare il suo stile di vinificazione rivoluzionario per quella zona. L'annata del 1968 fu la prima ad essere messa sul mercato, con un'accoglienza degna di un Premier Cru Bordolese. Negli anni seguenti la cantina venne trasferita in locali a temperatura controllata, tini d'acciaio rimpiazzarono i tini di legno per la fermentazione, e le barriques francesi vennero introdotte per l'invecchiamento. Sono i punti cardinali della Tenuta e ne segnano anche geograficamente il territorio: il Padule verso il mare, il centro allenamento in pianura ed i vigneti che arrivano fino a quasi 400 metri tra la macchia sulle colline. Una situazione ideale perché con 2.500 ettari a disposizione è stato possibile trovare i 75 ettari più vocati per il Sassicaia. Così eccezionali da meritare una D.O.C tutta loro (D.O.C. Bolgheri Sassicaia) che è l’unica in Italia ad essere inclusa interamente in una proprietà.

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Ceretto is a wine producer in Piedmont, making top-quality Barolo and Barbaresco. It was founded by Ricardo Ceretto in 1930 and is famous for being a pioneer of the trend toward single-vineyard Barolo wines. Nebbiolo is the key grape variety, but Ceretto also make wines from Dolcetto, Barbera, Arneis and Moscato. Riccardo Ceretto, who did not own any vineyards, produced wine from grapes he purchased. The turning point came when his sons Bruno and Marcello joined the business, with their innovative thinking for the time: the importance of the land. Though this seems obvious today, memories of the poverty of rural life in the Langhe region - described so well by Beppe Fenoglio in his novel “La Malora” (“Ruin”) - were still fresh, and Riccardo was reluctant to invest in purchasing land. In the 1960s, Bruno and Marcello started mapping out the land that produced the best wines, and buying the vineyards. They would never leave the region again. Blangè is the white side of Piedmontese wines; a product that defined an era, revolutionizing Langhe winemaking that was previously devoted exclusively to red grapes. The most famous Blangè a Langhe Doc Arneis is the product of a highly distinctive region, the Roero, and a desire to improve varietal recognition, as well as drinking pleasure. Blangè combines sustainable practices in the vineyard with a modern take. Fruit and minerality, aromatics and balanced freshness, coexist in this white wine that has made enjoyment and versatility its trademark. Blangè is the white side of Piedmontese wines; a product that defined an era, revolutionizing Langhe winemaking that was previously devoted exclusively to red grapes. Dolcetto d'Alba Doc is the product of a highly distinctive region, the Roero, and a desire to improve varietal recognition, as well as drinking pleasure. Blangè combines sustainable practices in the vineyard with a modern take. Fruit and minerality, aromatics and balanced freshness, coexist in this white wine that has made enjoyment and versatility its trademark. Down to Barolo Docg and Barolo Chianato.

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Join us as we escape the rat race of South East England and settle into farm life in Central Portugal. We are Ken & Gina and we started the OKportugal Youtube channel back in 2019 when we decided to leave the hustle and bustle of the UK for a quieter life on a farm in Central Portugal. We now live on an amazing 3.5 hectare farm along with our cats, Nanook & Mecho and our two dogs, DogDog and Mimosa. Our journey began back in the UK, in September 2019, where we sold our house, packed all of our belongings and drove across Europe to Portugal in our campervan Bob along with our animals. We moved into a lovely rental house, high up in the Serra da Estrela mountains, meeting many friendly and generous locals and spent the next few months searching for our dream farm. In December 2019 we moved into our dream farm during Portugal's worst storm in a decade. We have had many trials and tribulations along the way and have documented them all in our Sunday weekly vlogs for our subscribers to enjoy.

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Martini e Rossi captures the spark that set two men on a lifelong quest to make their stamp on Italian culture. Alessandro Martini - a spirited entrepreneur with a global vision - and Luigi Rossi - a creative muse whose botanical fragrances would lure noses along Turin’s via Dora Grossa. The year was 1863 when their newfound partnership was manifested in their first vermouth: the Martini e Rossi "Rosso". This original blend remains the same to this day, a famous brand all over the world. Our artisans of today are 8th generation Martini e Rossi masters. Each following in the footsteps of their predecessors. All dedicated craftsmen and custodians of Martini e Rossi’s quality and integrity. The only three people worldwide to know Mr. Rossi’s original recipe. Originally from a village just outside our home of Pessione, and a student of the world-renowned Scuola Enologica di Alba, where many MARTINI & ROSSI® experts have honed their craft. After 18 years of training, Musso succeeds the 30-year tenure of former master blender, Luciano Boero. MARTINI & ROSSI®’s original recipe remains guarded under lock and key. Our masters know it only by scent and taste. Over 500 botanical samples pass under Ivano’s nose each year, and only the combined experience of himself and Beppe can maintain Luigi Rossi’s legacy. Our first love. The original Martini e Rossi, conjured under the inspired nose of Luigi Rossi. Since the sun-blushed days of 1863, a devoted selection of regional herbs are at its heart, and natural caramel imparts its rich scarlet hue. An icon di Italia. Martini e Rossi and Rosso and Tonic, Created in the 1970s to modernize Luigi Rossi’s original recipe into a refreshing long drink. Aromatic herbs spring to life with the addition of sparkling tonic water, while an orange wheel enlivens its fruited notes of lemon and raspberry.

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Cinzano vermouths date back to 1757 and the Turin herbal shop of two brothers, Giovanni Giacomo and Carlo Stefano Cinzano, who created a new "vermouth rosso" (red vermouth) using "aromatic plants from the Italian Alps in a [still-secret] recipe combining 35 ingredients (including marjoram, thyme, and yarrow)". A global Italian icon, propelled from the hills of Piedmont to a world-class brand by the entrepreneurial determination of its founding fathers; each drop of Cinzano vermouth and sparkling wine is infused with nearly three centuries of determination and willpower to achieve the very best in quality and taste. As suppliers to the Royal Court, Cinzano was entrusted with the challenge and finally, in the mid-1800s, their Spumante (sparkling wine) was born, expanding the business into the production of sparkling wine. Santa Vittoria d’Alba became the heart of the Cinzano world and the business was ready to evolve from a local storefront to a global brand. Developing its communications strategy in line with the Belle Époque’s aesthetic, Cinzano adopted new mediums and techniques the era had to offer, from posters and postcards, to ads in media titles such as Telegrafo magazine, a prominent Italian daily newspaper at the time. Only the greatest Italian brands could afford to work with artists and illustrators and Cinzano was no exception, leading from the front. Bold in their style, Enrico and his brother, Emiliano, collaborated with the most daring artists of the time, allowing the brand to evolve alongside popular culture. The Cinzano heirs continued their work with innovative inspiration and achieved such great commercial success that they were asked by the Savoy monarchs to offer their expertise to produce Italy’s first Sparkling Wine, upon the success of the incredibly popular French champagne that dominated the wine export market across the globe. The result: the birth of the Cinzano sparkling wines. A global Italian icon, propelled from the hills of Piedmont to a world-class brand.

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The story of the Vinchio and Vaglio winery is a love story where the inhabitants of these two villages transformed a difficult and poor, inarable land with slopes so steep that some local sayings proved true: “S’ot dròca la colassion, it la treuvi pì!” (if you drop your breakfast, you won’t find it again!) or “S’ot dròca ël bertin, ot toca curije drera fin ant la val” (if your hat blows off in the wind, you’ll need to run down to the end of the valley to get it”). This area with its steep slopes and overhanging vineyards at the edge of the woods has been tended and “tamed” to dramatic effort, where every single drop of the “Ruby of Vinchio” (Barbera wine) equates to thousands of drops (and certainly not an exaggeration!) of farmers’ sweat. However, the vineyards have never failed to reward their hard work. These vine rows, in fact, repay the industrious farmers with grapes of rare and exceptional quality. The sun usually shines all day on these hills, there is seldom hoarfrost or fog and no shadow. Great wines grow on these hills. The Rules of the Association stipulate that the President and the Vice-President must come from Vinchio and Vaglio Serra, respectively. This is because of an old rivalry between the two villages, which only ended thanks to the hard work of our company and their willingness to promote the local area. Over time, the animosity between these two offices has turned into a solid working relationship and the strong administrative background of both our President and Vice-President has undeniably played an important role in achieving this result. They have both been mayors of their hometowns. Lorenzo Giordano (of Vinchio) and Cristiano Fornaro (of Vaglio) both are keen oenophiles and, in particular, great connoisseurs of Barbera, though still appreciating the sparkling wines such as Alta Langa. The wines tell the story of the terroir and selected vineyards they come from and reflect uniquely the excellence which has built the reputation of Vinchio Vaglio, Vigne Vecchie, Laudana and Sei Vigne Insynthesis. The Barbera wines are projects that have brought our Barbera to the highest quality levels, thanks to small planting plots that are more than 50 years old. Albarossa, Grignolino, Ruché, Nebbiolo, Freisa, Bonarda, Arneis are all indigenous grapes of this range. Distinctive wines which express the intrinsic value of the territory.

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Prunotto is located in Alba, in the heart of The Langhe, halfway between Barbaresco and Barolo, on the southeast side of the Tanaro River on a gentle hillside surrounded by vineyards stretching throughout The Langhe and Roero. Cantina Sociale "Ai Vini delle Langhe", a winemaking co-op, was incorporated in 1904 in the city council room of Serralunga's Town Hall presided by Mr. Giacomo Oddero, a notary public and a youthful Alfredo Prunotto as a witness. Among those present at the ceremony were prominent citizens who made important contributions to the history of Alba and the surrounding communities, as well as many small local producers. In the middle of the predicaments of World War that created seroius problems, Alfredo Prunotto met and married Luigina. Together they decided to take over the "Ai Vini delle Langhe" co-op and gave it their name. Their dedication and passion soon made the winery famous and it began exporting Barolo and Barbaresco all over the globe: first to South America and then to The United States, two markets that had recently opened to foreign trade. Prunotto was one of the few companies that believed in this commercial strategy. The Antinori family first became involved with the Prunotto winery in 1989 initially handling distribution and then in 1994, when the Colla brothers decided to retire, they took over production upholding the excellent quality standards that Alfredo Prunotto successfully achieved. The winery's production philosophy, always extremely attentive to details and deeply passionate about wine, brought Prunotto and the Antinori family together to face a new challenge: to explore and develop the potential of this new terroir where both local and international varieties can express the area's remarkable territorial identity. Prunotto’s vineyards extend over an area of approximately 65 hectares (161 acres) in the territories of The Langhe and Monferrato and are subdivided into smaller parcels of land and single vineyards where great red wines are produced. Respectful of regional traditions, white wines are also crafted such as Moscato d’Asti and Arneis as well as an innovative rosé and two brands of grappa, one from Barolo Bussia and one from Barbera d’Asti Costamiòle.

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The Antinori family has been committed to the art of winemaking for over six centuries since 1385 when Giovanni di Piero Antinori became a member, of the “Arte Fiorentina dei Vinattieri”, the Florentine Winemakers’ Guild. For over six hundred years, the Antinori family has linked their name to excellence in the art of winemaking and as a passionate patron of the fine arts. Two different areas of expertise that have progressed together: Marchesi Antinori have often entrusted the important task of documenting their family’s values and history to the fine arts. Marchesi Antinori’s passion for viticulture is expressed through perseverance: their continuous pursuit for quality improvement, even in the smallest details. Research and development is an ongoing process both in the vineyards and in the cellars: selecting new clones of local and international varieties: experimenting with new techniques in the vineyards and vineyard altitudes, new approaches to fermentation and temperature control, experimenting with both traditional and innovative winemaking philosophies, using new types of oak for barrels, barrel size and age, and varying length of aging in the bottle before commercial release. "We have a mission that has not yet been entirely carried out, something that drives us to express the vast potential of our vineyards and to reconcile new discoveries yet to be disclosed with the patrimony of Tuscan style. A patrimony which includes tradition, culture, agriculture, art, and literature, all of which represents the identity of the Marchesi Antinori company. One of our main strengths is the fact that we are Tuscan or, if you prefer, our fundamentally Tuscan character", says Piero Antinori driving the wine estates all around the world today with his two daughters Albiera and Allegra. Piero is a visionary and created new famous wines such as Tignanello with his knowledge and intuition driven by experience.

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Moglie, madre, nonna, Paola Thaon di Revel ama i fiori e la natura. L'eredità è il suo background. È cresciuta in una famiglia dove la disciplina militare era un dato di fatto, così come la voglia di divertirsi. Sei sorelle e un fratello, in una grande villa chiamata “Cimena”, dove molti sono venuti in visita: da Umberto I, agli americani colti, ai vicini Bruni Tedeschi sulla stessa collina. Una vita dedicata al marito, Franco Reviglio e ai tre figli con tanti spostamenti e viaggi, in tutto il mondo. Oggi, i sette nipoti e la casa di campagna, regalano giornate intensamente soddisfacenti. Wife, mother, grandmother, Paola Thaon di Revel loves flowers and nature. Heritage is her background. She grew up in a family where military discipline was a given, as well as the desire to have fun. Six sisters and one brother, in a large villa called “Cimena”, and everyone came to visit: from Umberto I, to educated Americans, to the Bruni Tedeschi neighbours on the same hill. A life dedicated to her husband, Franco Reviglio and the three children with many moves and travels, all over the world. Today, the seven grandchildren and country house, make for intensely satisfying days.

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Die GLS Bank ist in Deutschland die Refernz für sozial und ökologisches Banking. Wer bei der GLS Bank Kunde ist, kann sich sicher sein, dass sein Geld dazu beiträgt die Zukunft zu gestalten, die wir uns alle wüsnchen. Investitionen gehen in eigens sehr strickt aufgelegte Fonds welche das 1.5°C Ziel bereits erfüllen. Keine Kinderarbeit, keine Waffen, kein Genforschung oder andere negativ Themen - sondern erneuerbare Energien, Soziales und Kultur, ökologische Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, nachhaltige Wirtschaft und weitere positiv beitragende Vorhaben werden ausschließlich unterstützt. Als Kunde bei der Bank trägt man dazu bei, dass ausschließlich diese positiven Projekte gefördert werden. Der strickte Zuspruch zu sozial und ökologischen Projekten wird bei allen Produkten, die ein Kunde von seiner Bank kennt (Baugredite, Firmenkredite, Altersovrsorge, Anlagen, Investitionen etc) unabweichlich eingehalten. Privatpersonen, Firmen und Vereine werden darüber hinaus aktiv unterstützt ihrn eigenen Impact zu verbessern. Die GLS Bank ist eine Universal-Bank, bei welcher man nahezu alle Finanzdienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen kann - jedoch immer unter einer strickten sozial, ökologischen und nachhaltigen Perspektive. Die Bank ist überwiegend in Deutschland tätig. Es können alle Dienste online wahrgenommen werden und es gibt mehrere Filialen für den persönlichen Besuch. Desweiteren besticht die Bank durch Ihre Rechtsform, die Genossenschaft. Die mitgleiderbestimmte Gesellschaftsform ist darauf gegründet in Gemeinschaft einen gesellschaftlich positiven Beitrag zu leisten. Mit der GLS Bank gibt es keinen Bedarf mehr als Privatperson sowie Firma bei einer konventionellen Bank zu sein und indirekt Umweltvernichtende Projekte zu unterstützen. Die GLS Bank bietet den vollumassenden Banken-Service mit reinem und ehrlichem guten Gewissen. Klimaschutz kann so einfach sein: Werde jetzt Mitglied bei der GLS Bank. The GLS Bank is the reference for social and ecological banking in Germany. Anyone who is a customer of GLS Bank can be sure that their money will help shape the future that we all want. Investments are made in specially designed funds that already meet the 1.5 ° C target. No child labor, no weapons, no genetic research or other negative topics - only renewable energies, social affairs and culture, ecological agriculture, nutrition, sustainable economy and other positively contributing projects are exclusively supported. As a customer at the bank, you help ensure that only these positive projects are funded. The strict encouragement to social and ecological projects is inevitably complied with for all products that a customer knows from their bank (building loans, corporate loans, old-age provision, systems, investments, etc.). Private individuals, companies and associations are also actively supported to improve their own impact. The GLS Bank is a universal bank, where you can take advantage of almost all financial services - but always under a strict social, ecological and sustainable perspective. The bank operates predominantly in Germany. All services can be used online and there are several branches for personal visits. Furthermore, the bank impresses with its legal form, the cooperative. The member-determined form of society is based on making a socially positive contribution in community. With the GLS Bank, there is no longer any need to be a private person or company with a conventional bank and indirectly support environmentally damaging projects. GLS Bank offers the full banking service with a clear and honest good conscience. Climate protection can be so easy: become a member of GLS Bank now.

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Hans-Juergen Wiegand is a man who lives his work passions and family, with determination. A philanthropist, who has held important positions in the chemical and automotive world, in particular with Daimler AG (Mercedes-Benz). He loves to travel, attaining knowledge and experience from different cultures. These experiences have shaped him, with a particular acumen in recognizing the best in human beings. Hans thrives on helping young people, to realize their dreams, as he has realized his own. Hans is an inspirational leader, with the competence to restructure and transform organizations. He is very flexible with people, and stands like a rock when it comes to principles. Whatever happens, he will always stay positive.

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Cindy Vine Travels and Portugal, Cindy Vine is an author, mother of three kids, with lots of life experiences she uses as an inspiration source to write her books about. She is a teacher and uses her teaching qualifications to travel around the world teaching. Cindy Vine's novels are known for their sharp insight on interpersonal relationships. Cindy loves to travel and enjoy taking photos and videos to document her trip. That's so that when her memory starts to fade, she can remember what she's done and where she's been. So if you are a fellow traveller or an armchair traveller, you will be interested in following her adventures. Cindy decided to moove to Portugal and just purchased a 2.5hec. farm in Central Portugal. Interesting to understand why she chose moving to Portugal and what future she's expecting to live, this was the dream of her life. She bought an old farm abandoned with a big garden also abandoned. We talked about why she chose moving to Portugal and what future. The farm is called Bela Pedra that means Pretty Stone. She started restoring it and taking care of the garden, planting trees and farming, all on her ow, learning day by day with passion and care and documenting her journey on her YouTube channel and blogs. She is admirable for the positive strength she has, she is an example of how anyone can reach their dreams.

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L’azienda agricola Cantina LeViti è una piccola realtà imprenditoriale nel cuore delle Langhe piemontesi, territorio celebre per la ricchezza e la qualità dei suoi vini. Una produzione caratterizzata da scelte originali, in armonia con le tradizioni e con la natura, per proporre vini intensi e unici. Silvio Levi è il titolare dell’azienda, viticoltore premuroso e cellar manager di talento, capace di esprimere energia e complessità in tutte le sue etichette. “Credo nell’equilibrio fra tradizione e innovazione. Sono convinto che per ottenere un vino di qualità, nel pieno rispetto della natura e della salute, si debba lavorare soprattutto in vigna, intervenendo il minimo indispensabile in cantina. Questo, a mio avviso, permette di rendere riconoscibili le peculiarità originarie e uniche delle diverse vigne, che quindi si riflettono nelle caratteristiche dei vini. Assieme alla mia compagna Lucia ci siamo trasferiti nelle Langhe quando ho aperto a Dogliani l’azienda agricola LeViti (gioco di parole che si scrive tutto attaccato a indicare identità fra me e la terra). L’azienda che oggi conduco è nata all’inizio degli anni 80 dal figlio di un mezzadro di mio nonno. Come spesso succede, però, i figli degli agricoltori scelgono la vita più confortevole e sicura del lavoro d’ufficio, mentre io, figlio di professori e cittadino, chiuso in un ufficio mi sentivo prigioniero di quelle quattro mura. Il vecchio contadino stava per chiudere e gli splendidi vini che produceva si sarebbero persi per sempre, a meno che… L’azienda è individuale nel vero senso della parola: in vigna come in cantina ci sono sempre io. Lucia e la mia famiglia (mio fratello Dario, mia madre e mio padre) sono l’unico aiuto su cui posso contare, soprattutto nei momenti più complicati della vinificazione e della vendita. In passato ho avuto il piacere di insegnare il mestiere ad alcuni rifugiati politici e a un amico ligure che oggi conduce, con buonissimi risultati, una piccola vigna sulle colline dell’entroterra di Sanremo”.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Ruggero e Orsetta sono sposati da oltre trent’anni e la passione per il vino, così come l’amore per le colline monferrine, li ha sempre accomunati. Nel 2012, dopo una lunga ricerca, scoprono la collina di Sant’Anna, le sue vigne e la cascina sul bricco: nasce così Sant’Anna dei Bricchetti e il sogno diventa realtà. Il primo passo è stato il recupero del corpo vitato intorno alla Cascina del Culunel, composto da cinque ettari di cui uno reimpiantato nel 2013. Fin dalla prima vendemmia la scelta è stata quella di lavorare nel rispetto dell’identità vinicola del territorio: Barbera e Moscato sono alla base dei sette vini proposti oggi da Sant’Anna dei Bricchetti e prodotti unicamente con uve di proprietà vendemmiate a mano. Ad affiancare Ruggero e Orsetta in questa avventura i figli Giulia e Giacomo, l’agronomo Piero Roseo e gli enologi Giuliano Noè e Claudio Dacasto, grandi conoscitori di quell’identità monferrina che è anima e cuore della filosofia aziendale.

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L’Azienda Agricola PininAgri di Luca Pininfarina, nasce nel 2016 ponendosi l’obiettivo adoperare pratiche lungimiranti, volte ad ottenere prodotti ortofrutticoli con qualità superiori nel massimo rispetto verso l’ambiente e gli ecosistemi della collina di Moncalieri. In azienda si applica la lotta biologica conservativa, evitando nel modo più assoluto l'impiego di prodotti ampio spettro con l’obbiettivo di mantenere viva l'entomofauna utile. Inoltre si praticano inoculi di consorzi microbici nel terreno al fine di esprimere al massimo le potenzialità intrinseche delle colture in termini di resistenza, resa, gusto e qualità nutraceutiche. The Azienda Agricola PininAgri di Luca Pininfarina was founded in 2016 with the aim of adopting forward-looking practices, aimed at obtaining fruit and vegetables with superior quality with the utmost respect for the environment and ecosystems of the Moncalieri hill. Conservative biological control is applied on the farm, absolutely avoiding the use of broad spectrum products with the aim of keeping the useful entomofauna alive. Furthermore, microbial consortia are inoculated in the soil in order to express the intrinsic potential of the crops in terms of resistance, yield, taste and nutraceutical qualities.

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Taking our past into the future with Carolina Reviglio! Carolina enjoyed a carefree childhood in the Piedmont countryside. With many cousins and friends, the passion for culture was instilled from an early age. Surrounded by beauty and art in the family mansion Cimena, expertly curated by her grandmother namesake, Carolina. On the paternal side of the family, her Venetian grandmother was equally influential. The unique character and rich culture of Venice, epitomizes Carolina. While travelling often, she feels most at home, in the isles of Venice. Schooled in Italy and the United States, lived in provinces throughout the length of Italy, Carolina considers herself truly Italian, with an international vision. “My country is rich in heritage, but poor in the pocket to keep it so. It saddens me to see so many buildings in a state of disrepair.” She has honed the skills of renovation and interiors of historic buildings, since 1987. Learning by trial and error, spurned on by failure and ultimate success, Carolina has grown and prospered. Now is the time to give back. Helping artisans of all disciplines to find work and ply their trade with pride. Matching projects to professionals and vice versa. As Heritage Doyenne, Carolina’s primary contribution to this unique initiative, is to encourage the participation of Heritage Ambassadors. This cause is yet another open avenue, to take our past into the future. By intertwining culture and heritage, to create more synergy. “Only once we fully understand where we come from… and truly appreciate our heritage… can we imagine a fabulous future filled with the richness of our past. Life is ours to design!” ~ Carolina Reviglio

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